Proxima, tempering machine for you...

by Umberto - Thursday, February 20, 2014

Here is the tempering machine for tomorrow, Proxima, Professional X Imagination! A tempering machine that by the led warns you when it comes to the right temperature, which saves energy automatically, it turns itself off and repeat the dosing stikes all the time  you need. Here, indeed, Proxima!

A short video of the enrobing belt  will be posted in the next days . It is the same of the little tempering machines we produce in order to have the same belt for different sizes of machines and so you can save also the money....


The ice cream shops like the chocolate ones

by Umberto - Monday, February 10, 2014

The ice cream shops like the chocolate ones

Needless to say, the ice cream with Twin increase their double-digit revenue and that's something we've always had confirmation.

Reason why it is right to improve and complete better also this machine that borned like a habtit for few and now it has to become a very popular machine so that not always it is used by people that know well the chocolate.

Presented at Sigep our Twin with electronic board that drives the user in working or avoiding abrupt shutdowns approximate ignitions.

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Chocolate made by Fbm also close to Ponte Vecchio!

by Umberto - Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chocolate made by Fbm also close to Ponte Vecchio!

Who is so  lucky to go on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence can not even stop at a historical shop of chocolate like Ballerini that , after FBM 2 tempering machines, has  decided to buy a third: the new Unica with 3 levels of tempering!

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The satisfaction of Fbm's Costumer!

by Umberto - Sunday, February 2, 2014

The satisfaction of Fbm's Costumer!

Although Australia is in the opposite side to where we work, this is the message sent to us by email from a new buyer of our Unica.
The start up by Skype, working with a tutor within the electronic card of the tempering machine that guides you through the process of work is .... impressive!

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The strength of Kleego!

by Umberto - Saturday, January 25, 2014

The strength of Kleego!

Finally, here in Italy, after Sigep we can tell, many important chocolatiers who transform the semifinished chocolate have realized how important it is Kleego!

Not only Klego can remove acidity, improve and speed up the achievement of the right to chose their own chocolate flavor but is also capable to counch it.

In Italy is it  difficult to import the cocoa beans?

Just buy the cocoa mass, Kleego and add the amount of sugar and cocoa butter that you want to "build" your own unique and inimitable chocolate.

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And.... there is also Skype!

by Umberto - Wednesday, January 15, 2014

And.... there is also Skype!

In addition to the strength of our machines, to our electronic board there are also the support by Skype that is active almost one time every day of the year...

A fantastic invention that really helped us both with start-up and assistance.

I can tremember, only in the last few months, the activation of machinery in Congo or assistance in Hawaii, in Bangkok or in Iceland.

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It is 15 years that electronic helps our costumers...

by Umberto - Monday, January 13, 2014

It is 15 years that electronic helps our costumers...

Sell around the world, where sometimes you do not have specific assistance, it is not a problem with our machines.

A big help to not do mistakes or damage to our equipment is the electronics that, first, we have introduced in the continuous tempering machines since 1999.

Our electronics has a real tutorial in the drive and in the manufacturing processes in addition to a diagnostic that, in case of breakage or malfunction notifies the user via a code, indicated by the manual, communicates what to do for the restore. ..

Taking into account that the problems in the years could be for the refrigerator gas or for some electric components and that these can be found everywhere, that's the problem of distance is significantly

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Kleego: the solution for the own chocolate!

by Umberto - Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here's a video of an Italian craftsman who purchased Kleego to produce his own chocolate.

A colombian cocoa mass starting to get a chocolate with a strong aroma and deliciously recognizable taste compared to all other "commercial" chocolates . The process before  took several hours while, with Kleego, the production's times have been reduced by more than half.


The molds are not always equal ....

by Umberto - Saturday, October 19, 2013

The molds are not always equal ....

Sometimes it takes very little to make the job easier for our customers ....

For this customer in Britain we have created a Compatta with a dosing plate with a sledge.

The Customer, in front of the tempering, starts to dose from the right and drop into the lollipop molds. After the first strike the mold moves to the left and then again.

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Mission Impossible! ( Last Chapter)

by Umberto - Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mission Accomplished!

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