Here is the recipe of the month! Made together with a customer in our School today ...
Cream 250g
Fresh mint leaves 40 grams
Invert sugar 50 grams
White chocolate 320g
Cocoa butter 40 grams
Sorbitol 20 grams
For the shell: Temper the white chocolate, and fill out the molds to create the shirt. Drain immediately molds and allow to cool for 20 minutes, repeat the procedure a second time, keep the chocolate for the closing of praline.
For the filling: Melt the sugar with the cream, add the fresh mint leaves in previously heated, then cook for a few minutes. Sift. Place the white chocolate, cocoa butter and pour the hot mixture and emulsify. Once cooled, continue stirring to pre-crystallize the ganache and add sorbitol. Do not fill completely, with the help of a pastry bag with the ganache obtained molds and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Remove the molds from the refrigerator and close with the tempered chocolate using a spatula. Put in the fridge for 20 minutes. Remove the praline from the molds.