A postcard from Santo Domingo.

by Umberto - Saturday, August 16, 2014

A postcard from Santo Domingo.

Here is one of the most famous company of Santo Domingo that in addition to sendo cocoa to some important European chocolate makers is, itself, a great chocolate maker "from beans."

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The "Big One" goes on ...

by Umberto - Friday, August 15, 2014

The "Big One" goes on ...

Continues the creation of the tunnel for chocolate dedicated to one of Europe's biggest manufacturers of chocolate's mould.

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Next September Fbm in Melbourne...

by Umberto - Thursday, August 14, 2014

Next September Fbm in Melbourne...

To the Fine Food in Melbourne which will be held from September 15 there will be Fbm with tempering machine!

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A postcard from Romania

by Umberto - Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A postcard from Romania

As August goes on, get more cards ...

After years of working experiences in Switzerland, these manufacturers have returned in Romania to create a place that also provides some members of the Royal Family.

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The "Big One" is coming ...

by Umberto - Sunday, August 3, 2014

The "Big One" is coming ...

And so, despite August, here the start of a building for a cooling tunnel for the crystallization of chocolate molds!

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August. A postcard from Boston.

by Umberto - Friday, August 1, 2014

August. A postcard from Boston.

August. Time of travels and postcards!

And it is with a postcard from Boston that we open this month: Elaine, our customer from Massachusetts, won the first prize for the best chocolate in Boston.  Congratulations!!!

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Chocolate with yuzuu, orange's honey and wax.

by Umberto - Thursday, July 31, 2014

Chocolate with yuzuu, orange's honey and wax.

Here's a new recipe by Ernst Knam made in our school EliteFbm!

For mold:

Dark chocolate for polka dots
Cocoa butter yellow
Making polka dots with tempered chocolate in molds. Spray the molds with butter
cocoa yellow. Making shirt with white chocolate.
100 g honey orange
100 g sugar
20 g dextrose
30 g glucose
200 g juice yuzuu
3 g wax (sosa)
20 g sorbitol
250 g white chocolate
q.b. Lemon peel untreated
Dissolve the sugar and add the juice of yuzu. Melt the wax at 65 ° Cook for about 4
minutes. Pour over the other ingredients and emulsify. Cool down.
Fill the molds with honey first and then with the ganache. Let crystallize overnight.
Close the mold with white chocolate.

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Little tour in the UK: from beans (last chapter)

by Umberto - Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Little tour in the UK: from beans (last chapter)

In the same School of chocolate near London will open next fall also a new room dedicated to working "from beans" as well as in the UK they start to enjoy the diversity of production that is obtained from beans.

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Little tour in the UK: The school of chocolate (Chapter 3)

by Umberto - Saturday, July 26, 2014

Little tour in the UK: The school of chocolate (Chapter 3)

Even close to London, at one of the largest distributors of semi-finished chocolate, there's a school that works chocolate and learn to work it with Fbm!

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Made only with one Compatta!

by Umberto - Thursday, July 24, 2014

Made only with one Compatta!

Here there are some pictures of chocolate from Romania only with a Compatta!

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