by Umberto - Wednesday, July 23, 2014
After few months later the presentation of Kleego, just popular in many parts of the world, here comes also Kleego 100 +!
It has the same characteristics of the sister but bigger and with a magical "+" that will be very useful for all "from beans" makers that want to enjoy the chocolate and keep more speed the production!
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by Umberto - Sunday, July 20, 2014
Immediately after the Salone del Cacao y Chocolate, which was held in Lima (see previous posts) a group of lovers and chocolate makers has been invited to follow the Ruta del Cacao in Peru directly by the Ministry of Economy of Agriculture.
Among them, Jean Marie Auboine from the School of chocolate of Las Vegas that, since next September activate courses for "from bean" makers with our machines and Clay Gordon of Chocolate Life, the largest comunity in the world of the Web, which often comes to visit us for courses devoted to new chocolate makers.
Here are some pictures of this special adventure!
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by Umberto - Saturday, July 19, 2014
Directly from the US: here is a "from beans" chocolate maker which uses Kleego to balance the chocolate and Compatta to temper it.
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by Umberto - Friday, July 18, 2014
In the south of Ireland there is a chocolate shop that make a lot of trouffles. Chocolab has been the right answer.
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by Umberto - Wednesday, July 16, 2014
One, if not the most famous chocolate maker of Guatemala: Danta chocolate!
Not only the standard "from beans to bars" but also the chocolate pralines high level producer. And so, also Compatta arrives in Guatemala.
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by Umberto - Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Antigua one of the ancient capitals of Guatemala, a beautiful and relaxing town, you will find the shop of Fernando where it is appreciated, in addition to coffee, chocolate created from "bean" in the traditional way.
Prima and Kleego are the help for the production.
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by Umberto - Monday, July 14, 2014
In the past we have spoken many times about the cocoa from Central America: Belize, Costa Rica and Mexico ... but also in the cradle of Mayan civilization, Guatemala, you can find the "nibs" that, once processed into chocolate, become something special.
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by Umberto - Sunday, July 13, 2014
Today, those who are waiting to enter at the Maracana for the final of World Cup, there is a wonderful place in Copacabana, where enjoy fantastic french sweets made with Fbm ...
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by Umberto - Saturday, July 12, 2014
In Brazil, where the italian football has not been great, we have had a great success with italian ice cream that is joined by chocolate worked with Twin of Fbm!
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by Umberto - Friday, July 11, 2014
It is a good satisfaction for us, found a peruvian magazine that talks about the production of chocolate, where, behind the 3 chocolate makers, in the heart of the lab, you will notice our little counch, Kleego ...
This chocolate comes from cocoa beans harvested just in Peru to be processed and transformed into a chocolate that has been acclaimed as one of the best of South America.
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