And...another Clima 100!

by Umberto - Thursday, April 2, 2015

And...another Clima 100!

Also near to London there is a costumer that is waiting for a new Clima 100 for his chocolate bars ... Speed, efficiency and little space thanks to our great little cooling tunnel for chocolate moulds!

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Yeah, Clima 50!

by Umberto - Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Yeah, Clima 50!

In Beirut, one of the most prestigious and famous chocolate maker of all the Middle East, has chosen Clima 50, the vertical cooling tunnel for chocolate designed by Fbm, for the production of chocolate bars. Compact, very efficient and highly automated, Clima 50 really deserves all the success that is getting!

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And also a coating chocolate line ...

by Umberto - Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In Angera, near Lake Maggiore, a small line of coating and crystallization for chocolate made by a short Climatico of 4 meters and a continuos tempering machine Maestria!


In Dubai, the second Clima 100 ...

by Umberto - Sunday, January 4, 2015

In Dubai, the second Clima 100 ...

Not only the US but also Eau is just the right place for Clima 100 that is about ready to leave for the first chocolate manufacturer in Dubai. Well this manufacturer, which has more than 1,000 employees, has the need to make chocolate bars continuously and without interruption, for 24 hours a day ... The cold elevator for tablets is the right answer!

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Here is Clima 100!

by Umberto - Friday, January 2, 2015

Here is Clima 100!

The first new machine that we present in this 2015 is Clima 100, our vertical tunnel for chocolate molds, bigger brother of Clima 50. Here are the first 2 images of Clima 100 ended some weeks ago. Good production and not so high cost for a kind of system that industry competitors offer with a very big costs. Ideal for those working chocolate molds and wants to industrialize and optimize the production.

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Decorating and coating chocolate line to Moulin d'or!

by Umberto - Thursday, December 4, 2014

Decorating and coating chocolate line to Moulin d'or!

Moulin d'or, a major manufacturer of sweets and the leading manufacturer of products for celiac of Lebanon and the Arab peninsula chose Fbm for a chocolate production line of tempering, coating, decoration and cooling consists of two separate tunnel of crystallization.

Also if we had not all the time we usual requested, we were able to finish the construction, to overcome the positive testing performed by Customerin our Factory and  to ship the full line to destination.

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And Sicily: the Caltanisetta's nougat!

by Umberto - Sunday, November 23, 2014

And Sicily: the Caltanisetta's nougat!

Staying in the South, you can also found other famous productions like the Nougat of Caltanisetta covered with chocolate.

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The lift for... the chocolate bar ...

by Umberto - Saturday, November 22, 2014

Yeah, after a lot of projects for differents models and sizes of cooling tunnel for chocolate, we decided to build the vertical tunnel that allows you to crystallize the chocolate on the mold in half time compared to standard cooling tunnel and with a substantial space savings.

The models are two: one for 50 molds and one for 100. The official presentation will be at the Sigep of Rimini, our next event.

This choice comes from the knowledge and the love we have for the world of "from beans to bars" chocolate makers that require often in a little space to "industrialize" the production to fight against the commercial market with the best weapons possible.


Fbm and the Middle East!

by Umberto - Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fbm and the Middle East!

The Camel of Chocolate is perfect to describe Fbm and the Middle East.

We will be back again next February at Gulfood of Dubai because we believe that Fbm is the best company for those who produce with chocolate and seeks only the right technology for their production. We do not sell always the "same" machine equal to everybodies but the perfect machine for each costumer.
And with this way we meet our Customers, especially in Middle East, and we will allow in the coming weeks to make deliveries of big  production chocolate  lines in Middle East: Kuwait, Lebanon,  Eau and, of course, Saudi.
We try always to give to our costumers the small or large customizations to grant the best final result saving time, money and, of course chocolate.See you soon, dear Camel of chocolate!

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A coating line of 15 meters ...

by Umberto - Friday, September 26, 2014

A coating line of 15 meters ...

Here are some pictures of the start up done this week near Salerno: Mtr 60 and Climatico with a lot of customizations to cover products with different features and to give the best confort to the workers.

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