Try Fbm and understand

by Umberto - Thursday, October 18, 2012

Try Fbm and understand

These two French chocolatiers have called us a few months ago for a quotation.

They has gone  around in France, Italy and surroundings to try to understand what was the tempering continuing professional machine that suited their case.

Possibility to find your kind of tempering curve, tempering system with 3 stage like the big industrial machines and a lot of other small details that, working on it, they grow up essential differences.

Well, the other day they took our Unica and this shows, once again, that more than marketing it is important to focus on the substance and, of course, on chocolate.

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Covering the top, bottom and without foot

by Umberto - Saturday, October 13, 2012

And 'Saturday, I have more time and I can post this video done a few weeks ago with a Maestria that had escaped me.

The enrobing professional should allow you to have the same amount of chocolate on the sides, top, bottom and there should be no burrs at the base .... the famous heretic foot ..... hated by all the best chocolate!


Biscuits for coeliacs

by Umberto - Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Here is the test done before departure for this line of biscuits for coeliacs.

Tempering machine Mtr 60 with enrobing belt of  40 cm wide and cooling  tunnel Climatico for 12 meters.

Productivity of the line , once placed in ther factory of the customer, with the increasing  of chocolate from the tank through an automatic pump and pipes system made in Fbm: 1 ton of cookies in one hour.


Since 1826 the Swiss chocolate

by Umberto - Thursday, August 30, 2012

Since 1826  the Swiss chocolate

It 's nice to know that even a Maestria works at one of the oldest and largest production sites  of Swiss chocolate that goes on ince  1826.

The location is fantastic and the products are no different ...

This historic Swiss manufacturer has chosen a Maestria  with all the optionals, plus a special extension of the enrobing belt  to allow manual decorations after the coating.

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chocolate under, on the top and inside

by Umberto - Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's not magic ...It's true.

 Fbm is this: customization, concreteness, perhaps sometimes too much, but so is Fbm.

Sometimes we forget the marketing, and this in today's world is bad, but if you have to work your chocolate in a personal way and with a level of absolute quality, then it is best that you call us.

Put the chocolate in the product? You can do ... even if the level adjustments are often not so obvious.

Put the chocolate on top? Everybody could do this ...

Being able to put the chocolate inside? It 's difficult but not impossible .... the proble is to give the right level of chocolate inside.

Put the chocolate inside and keep out the most quantity of it  because you need the same quantity of  chocolate inside like in the outside of the cannolo for give the space to make  a room for cannoli filling?

Well, Fbm has done it for this customer in New York .

We put the cannolo on a lift to attack him with the air for keep out the most quantity of chocolate and we do this before of the cooling tunnel that give the finished cannolo with chocolate.

Production line consists in Mtr 60 with the enrobing belt of 60 cm + Cooling tunnel Climatico with 4 meters in a minute of top speed.

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The cannoli of Bronx

by Umberto - Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The cannoli of Bronx

Today start the three-days test for a line for coating with Mtr 60 and the cooling tunnel Climatico.

The product that we have to deal with chocolate? The cannoli ..... that must be covered, drawn and coated with chocolate also inside.

In the past, we have made for a  customer of Massachusetts a similar coating line  that could cover  the cannoli to the top and to the bottom but now we give the possibility to put the chocolate also inside.

Destination of this exciting coating line ?

Again in America but in New York and, as we know, the Sicilian cannoli is always at home in the Bronx .....

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caramel drowned in chocolate

by Umberto - Sunday, June 10, 2012

Here is the line of Cornwall working  with dedicated accessory for put chocolate under the caramel.

Continuos tempering Unica with dedicated special enrobing belt cooling tunnel Climatico for the right  crystallization of the chocolate.

It 's all very simple .... It's made all by the  machines.


The 3 stages continuos tempering and the mini tunnel

by Umberto - Saturday, June 9, 2012

The 3 stages continuos tempering and the mini tunnel

The  pictures of the coating line consisting in a tempering enrobing Unica and a Climatico  of 4 meters assembled in a way that it could bring to the second floor.

As you can see the continuous tempering machine Unica with 3-stage tempering system, give the homogeneous dissolving of the crystals and the same temperature for the pre-crystal the chocolate  for give  a better result than the normal standards machine.

Unica has also an electronic management system that allows switching on and off by itself and let free the User to go away when he finish the job and so it can save the energy , thing that it has been really  appreciated in Great Britain .

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chocolate is also produced near Stonehange

by Umberto - Friday, June 8, 2012

chocolate is also produced near Stonehange

Here is  the production of caramel with milk chocolate  produced near Stonehange.

Melter, tempering , enrobing to the top or to the bottom  and the crystallization are made in Fbm.

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