by Umberto - Sunday, October 26, 2014
Here's Erin of Indi Chocolate that has just taken an Unica with "from beans" up grade.
She produces bars but also body lotions made with chocolate and she is opening a new store near the Seattle Pier where, in addition to her products, you can also admire Unica at work.
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by Umberto - Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Again from Vilnius! Here are the smiling faces, after the 3 days of test and production with Maestria and Kleego!
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by Umberto - Monday, October 20, 2014
A new start up at one of the most important "from bean" chocolate maker of Europe: Chocolate Naive, Lithuanian chocolate , which has won some International Chocolate Awards and also other Awards at the last NorthWest Chocolate Festival in Seattle.
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by Umberto - Saturday, October 18, 2014
Sugar Factory is setting up in this area of the Paris Las Vegas a real Chocolate Factory "from beans to bars" equipping it with Fbm!
Think, before you get on Eiffel Tower of Las Vegas, before you sit down in Paris's restaurants, while the Guests go up in the Hotel or sit in the gaming tables, everyone will admire from a glass wall the birth of chocolate !
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by Umberto - Thursday, October 16, 2014
And also Plamil, really a great brand for chocolate, has added a third Maestria in the chocolate production line!
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by Umberto - Monday, October 13, 2014
Talking about Las Vegas: next Febraury, 20, 21 and 22, Jean-Marie will hold a course in the School of Las Vegas dedicated to the production of chocolate starting from the cocoa beans.
All our Us costumers who wish to participate, have to put in contact with us that we will have some amazing promotions!
The course will be set to the storage of the beans arrived in the lab, roasting, cleaning and all subsequent processes up to the molding with a tempering machine.
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by Umberto - Sunday, October 12, 2014
Here we are in Las Vegas at the Jean-Marie Auboine Chocolatier School, the School of chocolate in which we decided to get involved.
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by Umberto - Thursday, October 9, 2014
The beauty of NWCFSeattle has been also the possibility to make test with Kleego 100+ using the cocoa mass and sugar's Customers.
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