Wow, in Oporto the "bean to bar" is a show...

by Umberto - Monday, September 12, 2022

Wow, in Oporto the "bean to bar" is a show...

A wonderful location where you can witness the production of pralines and an innumerable and diversified production of creations with chocolate created from cocoa beans. The name is also a perfect exclamation that is very suitable!

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Seattle: chocolate goes on. Fbm too!

by Umberto - Saturday, September 27, 2014

The North West Chocolate Festival of Seattle which will be held next week is a meeting point for the most important chocolate crafters.

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Proxima goes around the world!

by Umberto - Sunday, March 16, 2014

From Milan to Minneapolis. From India to France!

Proxima, after little more than a month after its submission, has already been purchased around the world.

If Unica is ideal for chocolates "complicated" Proxima has the look that makes the difference ...


They produce chocolate from beans also in Kochi, India...

by Umberto - Monday, November 4, 2013

They produce chocolate from beans also in Kochi, India...

Also this Fbm's costumer in Kochi, Kerala, India, has a cocoa plantation where he takes the bean to produce the tablet.

Now these craft factory are something more than a fad and they have become true factories that produce quality chocolate really craft.

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