Back the "gluten-free"!

by Umberto - Saturday, April 11, 2015

Back the "gluten-free"!

Next monday, after the great success of the first time, we have back again Francesco Favorito with a new class on "gluten-free" . A fashion? No one needs that allows everyone to enjoy the best pastry and bakery without compromising their health.

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A.... quiet weekend of leavened and shortcrust pastry!

by Umberto - Saturday, March 21, 2015

A.... quiet weekend of leavened  and shortcrust pastry!

Yeah, today and tomorrow, Armando Palmieri is in our School to talk about these two amazing pastry items.

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The first course for "from beans" chocolate in Las Vegas!

by Umberto - Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The first course for "from beans" chocolate in Las Vegas!

In April,  28, 29 and  30,  will be held in Las Vegas at the JMA School our first course dedicated to chocolate "from beans" with Jean Marie Auboine and with our machines dedicated to this production of crafter chocolate! Anyone wishing more information about promotions and content of the course as well as facilities with hotels and local assistances, please contact us to

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The Course of Pastry is going on with Cookerylab ...

by Umberto - Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Course of Pastry is going on with Cookerylab ...

It has started the second week of the course of Pastry of Cookerylab! Armando Palmieri, Martina Presta and Luigi Musio are some of Teachers that in  these days are alternated teaching ...

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New chocolate room in Las Vegas!

by Umberto - Monday, March 2, 2015

New chocolate room in Las Vegas!

Here is the new chocolate room dedicated to the demonstrations with chocolate in the JMASchool of Las Vegas! At the end of April there will be a 3 day course entirely dedicated to the production of chocolate "from beans" with Fbm!

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New course of Cake Decorating!

by Umberto - Sunday, March 1, 2015

New course of Cake Decorating!

Yesterday, in our School, ended the first course of Cake Decorating with Laura Saporiti, real decoration Artist dedicated to cakes!

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The first year's class...

by Umberto - Saturday, January 10, 2015

The first year's class...

Ended yesterday "Clever pastry," the first year class of our School with Armando Palmieri.

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Merry Christmas from Fbm and EliteFbm!

by Umberto - Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas from Fbm and EliteFbm!

Biscuits and coatings made by the girls of CookeryLab few days ago. Merry Christmas to everyone!

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Greetings from Las Vegas!

by Umberto - Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Greetings from Las Vegas!

Here's the good wishes from the School of chocolate in Las Vegas! Obviously made of chocolate. Some delay in setting the new room where will be the production of the chocolate ... but very soon we can have the dates of the next courses entirely dedicated to the production "from beans" in Las Vegas.

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Knam and pepper ...

by Umberto - Sunday, December 14, 2014

With Ernst nothing is obvious and predictable. It turns out always something, from the recipe, from the way of "building" a praline to things that seem obvious but that does not always know all ...
